Friday, November 5, 2010

Peter Gronquist's designer guns

Images: Fashionscene & thelifefiles

Peter Gronquist designed these designer weapons, don't give a rats ass about guns or what so ever haha but I thaught these were quite badass!

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12 comments: said...

lol badass indeed. though what would one ever do with a gucci rifle?

love, M

Aissata said...

these are badass in deed and your blog is amazing, thanks for your comment

SucceedingatFailing said...

the designs are great but its kind of a weird idea.. not sure what i think about it seeing as i dont like guns!! :p

great blog though! :D

Princilla said...

omg, those weapons are AMAZING! i wish i could have one hahaha <3
nice blog anyway :)

check out my newest post about GOSSIP GIRL


LeSimple said...

thanks for comment on my blog :) , you can follow my back , if you wish :))

Unknown said...

Aahaha..these are relly great! If I have to shoot at someone now i know what to use :)

TresLunas said...

thanks for comment!!! =) follow you, do you wanna follow me?

Fashion Fabrice said...

WOW fabulous post! haha im loving this! The gucci one is my favorite!
Ive been browsing through your blog and im loving it! Its a great read! And your style is so lovely!Im gonna follow you from now on!
Hope you visit me and follow me back?

lots of love

have a great day!

Opal Wells said...

wow.... I've been wanting a gun for some time but these are HUGE. I'd rather have a sea-foam green little hand gun. It's not that I am a huge supporter of guns but all the wrong people have them and i refuse to be a victim to anything beyond theft.


AWW...I like the Versace's gun...AMAZING IDEA, thanks for sharing.

visit my fashion blog, you are welcome!

Oracle Fox said...

Amazingness! I'd seen one or two of these guns before and never knew the artist, thankyou for sharing! x

Unknown said...

HAHHAHAHA this is amazing! Nothing says fabulous than shooting with my Gucci gun xxx